ThE Ghost lover

inspired by the novel Users by Colin Winnette

Try the filter


A break-up is not the end…

The Ghost Lover filter is an Original Experience designed to return an ex to your life as an empathic presence... or haunting.

Using patented facial recognition software and biometric data, The Ghost Lover filter analyzes the emotional and psychological dynamics evoked by the memory of your ex to generate a haunting, giving you a glimpse into the inner workings of your emotional psychology.

Unlock the meaning behind your haunting using the interpretive tools below.


Interpret your haunting

Intimate relationships can significantly impact how you see yourself and the world around you. 

Your ghost lover is a reflection of the nuanced ways your body and mind are processing the end of a partnership. Your results can help you identify sources of the pain, regret, or even joy, as you come to accept the end.

Ghosts of the dead have unfinished business. Their pain comes from coming to terms with what they lost after death. A ghost lover isn't dead, but the union you built with your ex-partner created a spiritual entity that takes time to dispel. 

Your haunting reveals itself through the color, dispersal pattern, and area of your body it lingers on. You can interpret your results based on the interaction of these three elements.



The way your haunting interacts with your face can reveal hidden ways your ghost lover is toying with your spirit. Understanding what each part of your face represents will help you understand what you’re feeling and why.


This area represents your "rational" mind. This is a misnomer because flawed logic can affect how you interpret reality. Concentrated activity on the forehead is related to emotions you're not allowing yourself to feel. 

An absence of activity on the forehead may mean you need to step back and process your feelings. Unity in your rational and emotional brain will help you learn from the past without letting it hold you back. 


Your eyes are your window to the present, but more importantly, they point the way to the future. Spectral concentration around both eyes may signify that you're struggling to organize your future around a new reality. 

Spectral activity on one eye could indicate that the source of your haunting keeps you grounded in the past. You can't move forward until you've resolved your feelings about what’s behind you. 

It may hurt to think of the future after a bad break. But the more you allow yourself to imagine new, exciting possibilities, the easier it will be to accept what you need to do.


Your sense of smell is a shortcut to memory. Activity on your nose can tell you which emotions color how you see the past. But a lack of activity here doesn't necessarily mean you've found an objective perspective. It could also mean you still have hope for reconciliation. 

Unresolved emotions could affect the way you form new bonds. The goal is to understand where you are now and how you can continue to learn and grow.


Your mouth is the source of honesty and integrity. If a relationship was plagued with dishonesty, your haunting may concentrate here. 

Activity on the mouth may signify infidelity, but it could also mean someone in the relationship wasn't true to themself at a pivotal point. This is a dangerous type of dishonesty. Hiding your true self may feel like a kindness, but it can leave dangerous cracks in the foundation of your bond. This may be a time to practice speaking your truth, even if you're worried it will change how others see you.


As your feelings overflow from your chest, the most difficult ones take refuge in your throat. This area represents your emotional mind. When it's overwhelmed with activity, you may struggle with impulse control. You need time to make sense of your feelings. Take it. Create a space where you can be free of distractions while you explore the depths of your haunting.


Your ears represent communication. Activity here represents an internal struggle with understanding. You may crave closure or wish you would have said things differently. 

This doesn't mean you should rush to reach out to your ex. Conversations charged with feeling can devolve and worsen if you're not prepared to listen as much as you speak.

There is where color becomes important. Carefully consider the color of your haunting. Listen to yourself and explore the possibilities behind the feelings. So much of what we want to say is meant for our ears, and nothing stops you from telling yourself the things you need to hear. 


The colors in your haunting can help you identify strong feelings weighing on your body and mind. Like colors, feelings can combine, and it can be hard to unravel them. Remember, your body creates emotions to help guide you through life. If you learn to recognize your feelings as tools, you can harness them and use them to accomplish many things.


Purple is a spectrum, with jealousy represented by the lighter end and guilt by the darker end. 

Jealousy results from an intense desire for change. People often harbor jealousy in the parts of yourself you dislike. But we falsely blame our perceived weaknesses for our unhappiness. Finding the actual source of jealousy is more helpful. The process will help you develop goals to lead a more fulfilling life. 

Meanwhile, guilt can be trickier to navigate. It can spring from two places. If you violate your own personal morals, feelings of guilt remind you to make amends and do better for yourself and the people you care for. 

Sometimes you feel guilty if you fail to meet the expectations of someone you care about. It's important to divorce other people's expectations from your values, and remember that an ex’s demands shouldn't always leave you feeling guilty. 

Both forms of guilt require self-awareness and a willingness to communicate. One demands change within yourself, while the other may require a shift in your view of the relationship. In either case, becoming more aware of the role that guilt is playing in your life may help you deal with it in the future. 

Black and Grey 

Black and grey are the colors of power. This could mean your relationship lacked balance. When you see black, it means one person consistently led the way and made decisions. When an unbalanced relationship like this ends, both partners will have difficulty finding their bearings while learning to stand independently.

With gray hauntings, you were likely both strong-headed and stubborn. It was probably easier to feel like you worked as a team if your interests were clearly aligned. But basic things like vacation planning, moving, or projects around the house may frequently have devolved into heated arguments. It could be time to relearn how to go with the flow if you want to form a more balanced partnership in the future.


Sadness is following you, and it's understandable. Many cultures embrace sadness because it reminds you of your connection with others. Unfortunately, many of us were socialized to feel sadness as an isolating feeling. 

This is an excellent time to embrace your melancholy and find people you trust to spend time with you when you're blue. Just make sure you're not using that time as a distraction from your feelings.


While yellow is usually an optimistic color, for a haunting, it represents the pain of loss where you used to find joy. Your spirit is struggling to make sense of happy memories after the rift. Many people choose to numb these memories. If you want to appreciate the good times in the future, it's better to sit with them, even when it hurts.  


This is the color of debt. While you may not be sure what it is, your ghost lover owes you a debt they likely can't pay back. The debt may be an emotional one or a literal one. 

This can be a dangerous emotion to untangle. Try to identify what you feel is owed and consider how you may communicate those needs better in the future. Sometimes, your feelings may reflect things you took freely without worrying about the consequences. Resist the urge to seek repayment from people who owe you nothing.


It's normal to feel mad during the process of grieving a split. Still, something's wrong if everyone and everything, including yourself, triggers your anger. If part of your haunting is red, you may be dealing with unfocused anger.

You can't win a fight with your anger and come out okay. It needs to be expressed. Take the time to listen to yourself and find clarity in your rage. This emotion can be a valuable tool to help you find solutions and give you the drive to make lasting changes. 


Orange represents an excess of insecurity and anxiety. There's a common expression that worry is wasted, but every emotion springs from an internal communication process. With anxiety and insecurity, your body begs for reassurance. We all need comfort when we're worried, but many of us depend too much on others to find solace.


Brown isn't a single emotion, but a mess of them you may be too overwhelmed to sift through. If you start to feel exhausted, you may experience sudden bursts of anger or sadness cut with malaise.

It’s common to cope with this by numbing yourself. So, if you find yourself indulging in vice or overbooking yourself with work or other distractions, it’s only a matter of time before your true feelings are going to catch up with you. Try talking things out with yourself over voice memos or keep a journal of what can trigger specific shifts in your mood. It may take some time to untangle the threads. But showing yourself this kindness will help you feel loved and cared for while you work to work to relieve some of these lingering feelings.


As your haunting unfolds, it may touch many aspects of you. Your feelings can tangle or fray in different areas of the body while you're preoccupied with thoughts of an ex. Your haunting’s distribution can help you understand where you are in your journey. But each glimpse is only a snapshot of an evolving experience.


If you're haunting fills most of the frame, it could be near peak intensity. In many cases, the more dispersed your haunting is, the closer it is to a resolution. But that doesn't mean it's getting easier. 

It may feel hard to surrender yourself to intense emotions. But avoiding them will only hurt worse in the long run. The sooner you let yourself wade into the waters of deep feeling, the sooner you’ll be free of them.


If your haunting is focused on one or two spots of the frame, these could be aspects of the relationship or emotions you are avoiding. You may have developed unhealthy thinking around certain feelings and memories. 

Your relationship’s story is larger than the winks of time that stand out in your mind. You may need to focus on seeing these snapshots for what they are, rather than giving them outsized significance. 

Out of body

Some hauntings manifest with little to no interaction on the body. This could mean outside circumstances were the core cause of your split. You couldn't have done anything differently, nor could they. This doesn't make it any easier. Regret may be louder, but at least you can use it as a crutch while you learn from your experience.


If your haunting appears in small bursts of intensity, this scattered image may represent one’s inability to see the whole picture. Your feelings are taking up too much space for you to focus on them. Don’t force yourself to function as if you were whole. Take things slowly and give yourself the gift of grace while you work to make sense of what happened.


Final Thoughts

No matter how we fight it, every intimate relationship we have changes us. Your haunting may be benevolent or harmful, but where things go from here is up to you. You can treat the experience as an opportunity to grow, or you can dig in and try to undo the hurt you’ve suffered. Just remember, only one of these is possible.